Sunday, April 8, 2018

HI! A quick addition to the blog to show everyone the state of our preparedness.
I spent much of this weekend on the computer completing various online applications (4 countries x 5 people = 20 visa applications, + research to see what we need for the on-arrival visas for the other 3 countries we will visit + registering our trip by country with the US State Department = countless hours of tedium, especially when almost without fail, I'd press the wrong button and everything would disappear and I'd have to begin again).

Here is a pic of our living room, "preparation central" or "disaster zone," however you want to spin it!
xo Katie

1 comment:

  1. accessed the blog - wooohooooo! Looks like the packing is coming together. You got this!



Welcome to 5 on the Move blog.  We are starting this blog to share our experiences with our friends and family as we travel for 4 months.  W...