Monday, April 30, 2018

Beijing flight 4/16/18

Hanging out in the airport waiting for our flight to Beijing.  We had a crazy day of packing, but got here in time for our flight. We surveyed the kids as to how they are feeling.  They are about 99% nervous, 99% excited, and 2% in disbelief.  We may need to work on those percentages in our home school curriculum.  Lydia asked us if this was a late April fool's joke!  Lydia is already practicing her typing in preparation for doing her blog posts.  FaceTime and phone calls for our last good byes before the 14 hour flight. 
We probably will not be posting for the next two weeks, unless we get a disposable device to use for the time we are there.

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Welcome to 5 on the Move blog.  We are starting this blog to share our experiences with our friends and family as we travel for 4 months.  W...